This will begin the approval process.
The number of approvers required will be dependent on the configuration of the Approval Group assigned to the Data Export activity.
If the person requesting the Data Export is also a member of of the Approval Group assigned to the Data Export activity, their approval will be automatically granted, as demonstrated by the highlighted entry here.
To get approvals from the additional required members of the Approval Group, click on the Start button next to one of their names.
You will get the following screen. At this time you will want to reach out to the approver, as the approval process does need to be done in real time.
When the approver accesses PreVeil on their end, they will have the following badges indicating they have an approval request waiting.
Clicking on Approvals will bring them to the following screen. Have them select the entry to open it.
They will click on Start Approval.
A field where they can enter an eight character code will come up.
As the person requesting the approval, you will see the eight-character code on your end.
Read off the eight character code to the approver, and after they enter it on their end, have them click on the Approve button.
Repeat these steps as needed with any additional approvers.
Once all required approvals have been obtained, click on the Start Export button.
Select a location for the exported data to be saved to, and click on the Start Export button.
The location you select must be a folder that does not yet already exist, you cannot select a pre-existing folder to export the data to; the Data Export process will create the folder for you.