How can I manage my PreVeil contacts?

How can I manage my PreVeil contacts?

There is currently no way to manually add contacts to your PreVeil account. After meeting certain criteria, contacts are automatically saved to your PreVeil account to allow for auto-completion.

If you are using PreVeil with a desktop mail client such as Outlook or Apple Mail, those contacts will be available for auto-completion within the mail client. They will not be synced automatically to your browser or mobile apps.

If you allow the PreVeil mobile app to access your device’s contacts list, those addresses will become available for auto-completion in the app, in addition to any other contacts that have met the following criteria. Your mobile device contacts will not sync to the browser app or desktop mail clients.

Note: currently, the contact lists for Drive and Mail are separate. Addresses must meet criteria for each part of the system in order to be available for auto-completion in both.

Contacts will be added to your browser mail auto-complete list once you:

  • send them an email; or

  • receive an email from them; or

  • are on an email thread with them.

Contacts will be added to your Drive auto-complete list once you:

  • share a folder with them; or

  • receive a shared folder from them.

PreVeil Organization Admins have the contacts of all users within their organization automatically added to their PreVeil contact lists.

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