PreVeil Drive Upload Command Line Interface (CLI) Tool

Directions to open

  1. Launch Command Prompt normally (not as admin)

  2. Change the directory to location of the preveil_client.exe file

    cd C:\preveil\filesync
  1. Run the tool’s help command

    .\preveil_client.exe --help

    Dot backslash means it’s referring to the relative path


Note: Double-clicking the executable will not work


Running commands

The executable must be launched for each command.


  1. If you are NOT in the directory with the executable (preveil_client.exe):

    C:\PreVeil\filesync\preveil_client.exe upload [insert parameters] C:\PreVeil\filesync\preveil_client.exe --help


  2. If you are in the directory with the executable (preveil_client.exe):



Available Commands:


Upload Command

Note: The value for <preveil_user_id> in the commands listed below would be the email address of your PreVeil account.



01. Upload to a user's default collection:

The upload will go to My PreVeil or the top level area

02. Upload to a user's specified collection (the target collection must already exist):

A collection is a folder and the target folder must be a shared folder

03 Upload to a user's specified collection and retain the folder structure from the source location (the target collection folder structure must already exist):

A collection is a folder and the target folder must be a shared folder

04. Upload to a user's specified collection (create the target collection if it does not exist):

By default the folder is set to not sync-to-device

05. Hide the upload progress bar:

06. Enable local sync for the newly uploaded items:


Global Flags:
--logdir string custom log dir location (default "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\PreVeil\drive\logs")
--mode string PREVEIL_MODE (default "prod")
--port string port used to specify which drive daemon we are connecting to

Running on a Mac

Mac OS has a similar way to use the CLI tool in Terminal. For a Mac, no additional files are needed, you can just call upon to the client file in the filesync folder to do the same thing.

  1. Open a Terminal window.

  2. Type in cd /Applications/PreVeil/filesync to navigate to the correct location.

  3. Type in ./client and any of the upload commands listed above to migrate the data into PreVeil.

Best Practices

  • If the data to be migrated is on a file server and not a user’s local device, the migration should be initiated from the file server directly.

    • Install PreVeil on the file server.

    • Use the Add Device process to add the key of the person whose account the data will be migrated into.

    • Run the CLI tool from the file server.