How to update to the latest version of desktop PreVeil
July 22, 2024
Updating to the latest version of PreVeil ensures you have access to the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes.
How to update to the most recent version of PreVeil on your desktop computer
To manually update to the latest version of PreVeil, you can get it on our download page.
Windows users
Go to the, under PreVeil Desktop Account see the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and decide, and then click Download for Windows.
The PreVeilInstaller.msi will download to your downloads folder or the browser will prompt you to choose a location.
Once the download is finished run the installer (note that this may require admin privileges on your computer)
Follow the steps in the Installation Wizard
If you have PreVeil open, a System Message will appear that it is running an update.
Open PreVeil ( and check the version.
Run a Key Menu diagnostic to check overall product functionality
An upgrade removes the installed version of the software and replaces it will the version in the installer. User keys and data remain intact.
How to see which version of PreVeil you are running
Open the PreVeil application, place the mouse cursor over your name, and find the final item in the drop-down menu. The version is a three-part number separated by dots such as 4.0.8.
What is the latest version of PreVeil?
See the announcements on Support Home Page or see the What is the latest version of PreVeil? page.
May I install a previous version of the PreVeil desktop app?
If you try to install a previous version of the desktop app, you will encounter the following message.
We do not recommend using previous versions, as the latest version includes the latest patches, bug fixes, and security updates. The only reason to downgrade to a previous version is when advised by a PreVeil technical support representative.
Error messages
Please see Troubleshooting for general information and quick fixes.