Export Diagnostic (Key Menu) Logs
If you encounter any issues while using PreVeil, the support team will likely ask you to send a copy of your PreVeil logs to diagnose the issue. To export your logs, use the following process.
- 1 Windows
- 1.1 Instructions
- 1.1.1 Troubleshooting
- Run the executable on File Explorer
- Folder Redirection
- 1.1.2 Stand-alone Log Exporter
- 1.1.1 Troubleshooting
- 1.1 Instructions
- 2 Mac
- 2.1 Instructions
- 2.1.1 Stand-alone Log Exporter
- 2.1 Instructions
In the task bar click on the System Tray icon and locate the Key icon.
Click the key icon to open the Key Menu. Next, click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner and then the Diagnostics menu item.
Click Export Logs and wait for the logs to export.
Once done, the logs will save as a PreVeil_Send_To_Support.zip file on the user desktop folder. Normally, this is C:\Users\<username>\Desktop where <username> is the Windows user currently active.
Attach the zip file to your existing Help Desk ticket or include it as media in a new ticket.
Run the executable on File Explorer
Alternatively, the logs may be exported by running the log-exporter executable at C:\PreVeil\diagnostic\log_extractor. The executable may be right-clicked and run as administrator. If you do not have admin privileges a User Account Control (UAC) prompt will appear prompting for credentials.
Folder Redirection
Windows Folder redirection refers to redirecting the path of local folders, such as the Desktop folder, to a network location. Log export is best supported on local drives and has had mixed results saving on redirected paths.
Stand-alone Log Exporter
The log exporter may be downloaded and used portably wherever the desktop PreVeil software and a user account are set up.
1. Click the key icon at the top right of your screen to open the Key Menu.
Click on the three-button menu on the top right of the key menu and click Export Logs
A zip file will save to your desktop, named PreVeil_Send_To_Support.zip
Stand-alone Log Exporter
The log exporter may be downloaded and used portably wherever the desktop PreVeil software and a user account are set up.