What's New with PreVeil 5.0.1


PreVeil V5.0.1 is the newest version of PreVeil with exciting improvements and updates including

Drive Enhancements

The new PreVeil Drive has undergone significant improvements from a folder detail windows redesign, navigation enhancements, folder type identifications, and file syncing and moving functions.

  • The Drive

    file move function has been changed to a screen that provides a tree view for easy navigation and file placement.

file move 2024-05-01 141623.mp4
  • The drive

    syncing process has been improved with the addition of a progress bar, When you select the sync action the side panel will open to the sync section of the new panel. (back to top)

sync video 2024-05-01 142303.mp4


Navigational Changes are as follows:

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  1. There are significant navigational changes made to the drive system that include a new

    1. drive detail side panel selection,

    2. breadcrumbs and

    3. folder selection navigation.

  2. The

    side panel will now open from the ellipse (3 dots) in the selected folder entry circled below. The folder share, sync, details, and folder name change features are in this new panel. (back to top)


  • The breadcrumb in drive has been improved for easy navigation. Clicking on the breadcrumb entry navigates to the selected folder.

  • Clicking on a folder will navigate into the folder and no longer open the side panel. The panel is opened with the new ellipse outlined above.

  • Selecting the share entry from the ellipse dropdown entry will open the side panel in the share portion of the window.

Share Side Panel

  • Sharing a folder is also improved with an added progress bar. The share event will inform you of when the process is complete as demonstrated below. (back to top)

  • In the share permissions setting,

    View Only was added to the user access drop down list as outlined below. (back to top)

  • Selecting the sync entry from the ellipse dropdown entry will open the side panel in the sync portion of the window as demonstrated below. (back to top)

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Shared files will no longer have a deleted option. Shared folders will be hidden or shown in the shared folder status column. They can now be returned to a shown state in their original location by clicking on the Show button below.

New Folder Icons

  • Drive

    folder icons will now display the status of the folder as shared, shared synced, or simply a folder. (back to top)

  • The folders are defined as follows.

Drive File Move

Locked File Icon

  • Locked files will be indicated with an icon. When a file is locked the delete and edit options will be disabled as seen in the video below. These options will be available on unlocked files.

Expiration Date Option

  • When setting permissions on a shared folder, the expiration option can be found on the same window as the user access setting. The expiration date is on the same window as the share invite modal, not a separate window.

Collapsible Side Bar

  • Collapsing the drive side bar is available from an icon on the top of the section as in the following video.

Users will not be allowed to change a users access if a shared change is in progress. The Access pending state is now displayed with a circled warning that when clicked shows the status of the user’s access.

  • A tab indicator was added to the header portion of the window and the unselected tabs are shown in a diminished color for a clearer choice selection.

Health Check Email

  • A new health check message outlining changes in their organization is mailed to administrators to inform them of recovery group discrepancies in their system.

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Mail Enhancements

  • The Mail navigation includes a new

    tree view for stored mail messages in custom folders on the side panel. Selecting the folders in the tree view entry opens the moved mail items. (back to top)

  • It also contains enhanced messaging to inform you of the status of your request and better error reporting.

The PreVeil team worked on not only the speed of the application but a whole new look and feel for enhanced mail and document management.

  • Mail has faster content searching and composing a new email opens to the full screen by clicking the new arrow icons circled below.

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  • Mail has a confirmation option to save or discard a draft along with a new save draft button on the toolbar circled below.

  • Autocomplete was improved with a more comprehensive list of mail recipients from user’s contact lists.

  • Mail has the ability to move a file from trash with a new Move entry circled below.

Administrative Changes

User Status Icons

  • The Users list view contains a new icon to indicate the type user listed. The user icon with the plus sign indicated a full account user and the plain user icon indicated an PreVeil Express user as indicated with a tooltip below.

  • The import trusted community feature has a new layout with segmented sections for duplicates and invalid entries.

Device Name in User List

  • The admin user list includes the user's Device Name as circled below.

  • The admin profile page format has been changed to a table/label format for clarity with a new Clear button to erase the pages entry values.

Inline Editing in Device Management

  • The Device Management view now offers inline editing as seen in the video below.

  • The Account Recovery page displays the backup in a label form.

PreVeil Express Changes

Move Emails from Trash

  • You are now able to move emails from Trash in PreVeil Express.

  • The new PreVeil Express login invitation has a new design and is faster with a quicker response.

  • PreVeil Express now has TOTP along with a new QR code design that expands for more information as seen circled in the second image below.

Other Changes

  • Folders that were accessible in the desktop PreVeil were now available in PreVeil Express.

  • When you add an email with an invalid recipient you will not receive an error and are able to complete the message. The invalid entry can be removed.

  • The are valid links at the bottom of the Welcome to PreVeil letter.

  • Permissions to edit a shared user’s access was removed for non owner users. Only owners can change user access permissions.

  • User access is disabled when a shared folder has been rejected.

  • Mail drafts will not be saved every time mail is saved.

  • The recipient field is no longer cleared out when a user sends a message to themselves.

  • The mail attachment no longer causes an error after selecting cancel.

  • Moving a thread to another mail box is allowed and doesn’t cause an error.

  • The new mail toolbar options ‘mark as read’ and ‘remove’ have been added.

  • Web application can set an expiration date.

  • When a folder is shared with multiple users and one user’s permission is changed, the second users permission is not converted to ReadOnly.