Desktop PreVeil Version 5.6.1
We are excited to announce the latest updates and improvements to enhance your experience. Below are the key changes included in this release:
High CPU Usage in Filesync
Resolution: The issue where the filesync process consumed unusually high CPU resources has been addressed, ensuring smoother performance and reduced system load.
Drive Folders Syncing Issue
Update: The problem where Drive folders inexplicably synced with the newer selective sync feature has been corrected. Folders now sync according to your preferences.
Trash Page Restoration Issue
Improvement: An issue that caused items in the trash to fail to restore and the trash page to continuously spin has been resolved. Restoring items from the trash now functions properly.
Folder Path Issue
Correction: The problem where folder IDs were used instead of the full path when creating child folders has been rectified. This ensures the correct paths are utilized, preventing confusion and errors.
General Bug Fixes for Selective Sync
Enhancement: Various bugs affecting the selective sync feature have been eliminated, improving overall functionality and reliability.
We hope these updates enhance your experience. As always, we appreciate your feedback and are committed to continually improving our service. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Thank you for your continued support!