Everybody says their software is secure. Why is PreVeil’s security better?
Most cloud-based services don’t use end-to-end encryption. In other words, the servers in the cloud have access to unencrypted user information. While most cloud services claim to be secure, what they mean is that they encrypt information transmitted from the phone or computer to the server. The server then decrypts the data to perform various functions. For example, if a cloud service lets you view your emails or documents through a web browser, it’s most likely that the server has access to the decrypted data in order to display it.
If a server has access to decrypted data, then any hacker who breaks into the server gets access to the same decrypted data. This is how large scale compromises of email and other personal information such as passwords occur. The service providers certainly take measures to protect the information but hackers inevitably break into the server and get access to the information. In the PreVeil system, the server never has access to unencrypted information, so neither does a hacker.