Exporting Windows Event Viewer Logs

Exporting Windows Event Viewer Logs

If the PreVeil client or services are crashing, the Windows Event View logs may provide insight into the cause. This article demonstrates how to look for such crash events in Windows Event Viewer and export the logs.


  1. Click on the Windows start menu icon and type “event viewer“:


2. Click on Event Viewer to launch it.

3. On the left-hand pane, click the > arrow next to Windows logs to expand it. Then click on Application:

4). On the right-hand pane, click on Save All Events As…


5). Select a location to save the .evtx file, and you can then provide the .evtx file to PreVeil Support.


If the Windows Event Viewer will not load, your IT team may have blocked it.

You will need to access it with their assistance.

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