Adding and Using PreVeil Mail in Gmail

Adding and Using PreVeil Mail in Gmail

PreVeil Mail can be integrated with Gmail via an extension we have available in the Chrome store, and will allow you to use your Gmail account to send, receive, and read PreVeil email.

  • The PreVeil integration will create a new mailbox within your Gmail account for your PreVeil Mail. Your encrypted mail will not be integrated directly into your regular Gmail Inbox, you will only be receiving it in the Secure Messages mailbox that will be created by this process.

  • Any email sent or received from the Secure Messages mailbox in Gmail would be encrypted by PreVeil, same as if you were sending or receiving it from the PreVeil browser app.

Note: The Gmail extension is available for supported browsers running on the Chrome engine, which are Chrome and Edge Chromium.


Adding PreVeil Mail to Chrome

Note: If you have multiple Gmail accounts, make sure that you are signed in with the one associated with your PreVeil account before completing these steps.

To Add PreVeil Mail to Chrome:

  • Open the PreVeil browser app on your computer.

  • Mouse over Settings and then select Add to Mail Client.

  • Click on the Install Gmail Plugin button.

  • This will bring you the the page in the Chrome store where you can install the extension. Click on the Add to Chrome button.

  • Confirm that you want to add the extension by clicking on the Add extension button.

  • You will receive a notification that the extension has been added.

  • And you will now also see a new Secure Messages mailbox in your Gmail interface.

Note: If you have Gmail open at the time you add the extension, you may need to refresh the page for the Secure Messages mailbox to appear.

Using PreVeil Mail in Chrome

Using the Secure Messages mailbox in Gmail is much the same as using your regular mailbox. To send a secure email in Gmail:

  • Click on the Secure Messages mailbox.

  • Click on the Compose button.

  • Compose your email in the composition window and click on Send to send it. You can confirm that you are sending from the Secure Messages mailbox via the Encryption is on toggle at the bottom of the composition window. If the toggle is in the on position, you are sending the email encrypted by PreVeil in the Secure Messages mailbox.

  • If the toggle is in the off position, you are sending the email unencrypted in your regular Gmail mailbox.

  • This toggle can also be used to switch between the unencrypted mailbox and Secure Messages mailbox directly from the new email composition window.

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