Email Domain Change

Email Domain Change

An organization’s domain name change often entails new email addresses and for those changes to be applied in PreVeil the user accounts may need to be replaced to reflect the new domain. The PreVeil system does not support editing or changing a user account’s email address. The following is a guide to the replacement of the organization and its user accounts.

Retain Organization and User Data

Before the deletion of any data consider exporting all of the organization’s data using Data Export, there are four data types in Data Export; Drive, Mail, Activity Logs, and ACL Report. For Drive data, the actual files are saved while email data comes as .eml files organized in a mailbox folder hierarchy. As for Activity Logs and ACL report the data is saved as separate comma-separated value files.

Alternately, the mail data may be exported to a PST file using the Outlook integration. See back up your Outlook mail data.

Rename Organization

If the name of the organization needs to change, please contact PreVeil Support and they can change the name of the organization for you.

Delete Users

Delete the users of your organization by way of the Deleting Users section of this support article.

Note, users that are members of an active approval group cannot be deleted until those approval groups are deleted. Contact PreVeil Support and ask them to delete any active approvals groups within your organization.

Reinvite Users to the Organization

The administrator of the new organization will open the Admin Console Users page and add the new users to the organization with their new email addresses by way of the Adding Users section of this support article.

New User Account Claim

Before users claim their accounts on the computers holding the former account profile and keys, the software must be uninstalled and keys removed, and then reinstalled.

Users will open their mailbox, find the invite email, and click the link to activate their new account.

Create Approval Groups

With users fully joined to the organization create a new approval group(s) and assign to users for account recovery. Steps for creating approval groups and assigning an account recovery group can be found in this support article.

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